Week 15: An Informed Future
There are many aspects that affect where media is heading. It is often b ased on what the heads of an industry believe the population is interested in consuming. Another factor can be Politics. This currently has an interesting effect as political beliefs often appear to be increasingly polarized on social media. An issue that is being especially focused on right now is diversity. The issue is that while people want to make things more inclusive, they also want to separate people out. While this is a need to preserve aspects of cultures, there needs to be a balance that currently I believe is being missed. I'm starting to question if a male writer would even be allowed to write a female protagonist as he hasn't experienced what a female has gone through. If this is what people want then are we not limiting female representation in media? We’ve begun to shape a culture where people have to question if they’re even allowed to see Black Panther on the opening nigh...