Week 11: Cyberpunk Overdrive (Mona Lisa Overdrive & Johnny Mnemonic)
This week I read Mona Lisa Overdrive by William Gibson and the film Johnny Mnemonic (1995) that is based on a story written by the same author. I really enjoyed aspects of Mona Lisa Overdrive . I adore the integration of advanced technology throughout the story. After finishing the book, I looked up some information about it and the previous two books in the trilogy and from that, I gathered that this was focused on even more so in the other novels. My favorite character, or at least the character that I found myself caring the most about, was Kumiko. The story started with her so from the very start I was very interested to see how she tied into the larger narrative. I don’t feel like my want for her to be involved and important to the plot were ever really satisfied. Even when Kumiko made it her mission to talk to Molly, she was very separated from the action. Their conversation was fairly short and it felt like what information she had to share had ...